About The Research Hub

The Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub (AICMRH) was established following an MoU between IIT Hyderabad and Monash University, witnessed by Hon. Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Minister of Education, India, and Hon. Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education, Australia. The Hub aims to address global challenges in critical minerals research and drive innovations for sustainable mining practices. The Ministry of Education has approved $1.1 million as the first installment in a $5 million funding plan under the SPARC Scheme to support AICMRH’s activities, including 10 HDR scholarships, 5 research fellowships, and collaborative visits for Australian scholars to India.


Client 1

Prof Robin Batterham, AO

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, The University of Melbourne

"For both India and Australia, critical minerals are at the centre of the energy transition. Our two countries have unique opportunities for collaboration, in mining and supply and in manufacturing. These opportunities require a renewed focus on training, on research and on innovation in order to match global competition. The Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub is an important contribution"

Client 2

Prof. Ajay Kumar, IAS, FNAE

Former Defence Secretary of India and Distinguished Visiting Professor, IIT Kanpur

"India-Australia collaboration in critical minerals is an important part of our strategic partnership. By harnessing shared expertise and resources, we can secure resilient supply chains, support green energy transitions, and unlock transformative opportunities for mutual prosperity."

Client 3

Sri Jayesh Ranjan, IAS

Special Chief Secretary for IT and Industries & Commerce, Government of Telangana

"On behalf of the Government of Telangana, I warmly welcome delegates from Australia and India to the two-day Critical Minerals Symposium at IITH. Hyderabad is emerging as a key hub for renewable energy innovation, and the efforts of the AICMRH in fostering collaboration and advancing critical minerals research are truly commendable. I look forward to considering any recommendations where the state government can assist in advancing critical minerals research."

Client 4

Tim Thomas, CEO

Centre for Australia-India Relations

"The Centre for Australia-India Relations welcomes greater research collaboration and commercialisation between leading Australian and Indian education institutions, particularly in sectors of vital significance to our economic relationship. I commend the efforts of the AICMRH Team for the proposed two-day Critical Minerals Symposium at IITH"

Client 5

Prof. Yiannis Ventikos

Dean of Engineering at Monash University

"I congratulate the organizers on a remarkable two-day symposium and workshop. The deliberations will undoubtedly strengthen ties between our nations, with the AICMRH strategic partnership driving innovation and knowledge exchange for global impact. This achievement represents a pivotal step in advancing collaborative research across India and Australia in critical areas, fostering shared progress and excellence "

Client 6

H. E. Mr Philip Green OAM

Australian High Commission in New Delhi, India

"Australia and India are close friends and strategic partners with shared ambitions in critical minerals and renewable energy supply chains. In November, our Prime Ministers underscored the importance of this work and the advances we continue to make to grow commercial links and accelerate opportunities in research and innovation. If we get this right—India and Australia can be global leaders in driving innovation, creating jobs, and securing a cleaner, more prosperous future for both our nations. I commend the work of Dr Yellishetty and his team in continuing to drive this important agenda"

Client 7

Prof. Chennupati Jagadish AC

President of the Australian Academy of Science

"Critical Minerals have an important role to play in terms of transitioning to zero carbon economy and industry and to meet climate change targets. I am delighted to learn that Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub (AICMRH) has been actively strengthening linkages between researchers from Australia and India and hosting a symposium to share the knowledge and plan for the future joint research. Training of next generation of scientists and engineers is essential in this critical technology field. Both Australia and India will immensely benefit by working together to meet national needs of both the countries. I congratulate symposium organisers and wish them well for a successful event"

Client 8

Amb. Rajasekhar Chinthapally, IFS


"Focus of development is shifting to the knowledge economy. Geopolitical considerations are dominating. In this context, critical minerals acquire increasing importance - in gaining knowledge, processing, and transmitting it for value addition and multiplication. Access to critical minerals is now a key determinant in imparting competitive advantage. Hearty congratulations to the Organisers for the topical Symposium to deliberate the related issues"

Client 9

H. E. Sh Gopal Baglay

High Commissioner of India to Australia

"Cooperation in the sphere of critical minerals is an important dimension of the expanding Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between India and Australia. Our two counties are natural partners in this domain. Australia’s vast natural resources and India's scale and enormous demand for critical minerals for meeting our green and clean energy goals present mutually complementary and beneficial opportunities for technological advancement, application at industrial scale, entrepreneurship and businesses on both sides. Building sustainable and resilient supply chains is an integral part of the efforts undertaken in this context, both bilaterally as well as through fora such as the Quad. Australia- India Critical Minerals Research Hub has a promising role in strengthening interlinkages between our industry and researchers. I am confident that the deliberations at the Symposium and Workshop being organized at IIT Hyderabad will further advance collaboration in critical minerals and contribute to the efforts to promote our shared objectives"

Client 10

Prof Sharon Pickering

Vice-Chancellor and President, Monash University

"Through the Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub (AICMRH), Monash researchers and our partners are addressing global challenges in critical minerals research and driving innovations for sustainable mining practices. Partnering with world class institutions is crucial to maximising Monash’s positive impact throughout the Indo-Pacific"

Client 11

Prof Craig Jeffrey

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) and Senior Vice-President of Monash University.

"Critical minerals is a key area of focus for our engagement in India and the AICMRH serves as a platform for collaboration between our countries. One that will generate significant impact in the region"

Client 12

Prof T G Sitharam

Chairman, AICTE

"The Australia-India Critical Minerals Research Hub's symposium exemplifies global collaboration for sustainable development. Critical minerals are the backbone of future technologies, and this initiative fosters innovation and research. AICTE is proud to support such efforts that enhance academic and industrial ties, propelling India towards self-reliance in critical resources"

Client 13

Mr Peter Varghese AO

Chancellor, University of Queensland and Fomer Australian High Commissioner to India

"The Australia India Critical Minerals Research Hub is a wonderful example of the way in which the partnership between our two countries is growing. Dedicated to research collaboration, the Hub plays an important role in positioning Australia and India to take maximum advantage of the opportunities that critical minerals will play in our future. It is reflective of the growing research partnership between our universities and the contribution the university sector can make to addressing large national challenges. As the author of the India Economic Strategy to 2035, I am particularly pleased to see such collaboration in an area important to both countries’ economic future. I wish the workshop and the Hub every success"

Meet the Main Organisers

Prof Murty
B. S.

   +91 40 2301 6001

Prof Mohan Yellishetty

   +61 3 9902 7143

Prof Narasimha Mangadoddy

Technical Program
   +91 95057 54134

Dr Ashok

   +91 97905 04570

Event Schedule

  • Time
  • 8:15 AM
    Student team
  • 8:45 AM
    Dr T Sreenivas
    Prof Narasimha Mangadoddy
    Inaugural session
  • 9:00 AM
    Dr K L Mundra
    Additional Director AMD
    Geological Exploration of
    Critical Minerals
  • 10:00 AM
    Dr Srinivas Rao
  • 11:00 AM
    Tea break
  • 11:15 AM
    Dr T Sreenivas
    Beneficiation of
    Critical Minerals
  • 12:15 PM
    Dr Nikhil Dhawan
    IIT Roorkee
    Refining & Extraction of
    Critical Minerals
    from E-Waste
  • 1:15 PM
    Lunch break
  • 2:20 PM
    Dr. Borra Chennarao
    IIT Kharagpur
    Rare Earth Elements
    Extraction & Recycling
  • 3:20 PM
    Dr Alok Awasthi
    Critical Metals & Alloys
  • 4:20 PM
    Tea break
  • 4:50 PM
    Dr Ram Chandar Karra
    NITK Surathkal
    Critical Minerals Mining
  • 5:50 PM
    Dr. Venkat Runkana
    Digital Technologies in
    Critical Minerals & Metal
  • Time
  • 9:00 AM
    Inaugural Session
    Prof Narsimha
  • 9:00 AM
    Lighting of the Lamp
  • 9:03 AM
    Prof B S Murty
  • 9:06 AM
    Mr Balaram Naik, CMD
    Singareni Collieries Company
    Opening Remarks
    by Guest of Honour
  • 9:10 AM
    Ms Hilary McGeachy
    Consul General Australian
    Consulate-General Bengaluru
    Opening Remarks
    by Guest of Honour
  • 9:15 AM
    Mr Sridhar Babu Duddilla
    Minister for Industries, Telangana
    by Guest of Honour
  • 9:25 AM
    Mr Batti Vikramarka Mallu
    Dy Chief Minister, Telangana
    by Guest of Honour
  • 9:35 AM
    Mr G Kishan Reddy
    Minister of Mines, GoI
    by Chief Guest
  • 9:50 AM
    MoU Signing between IITH
    and Singareni Collieries
    Company Limited
  • 9:54 AM
    Prof M Yellishetty
    Monash University
    Vote of thanks
  • 9:58 AM<
    National anthem
  • 10:00 AM
    Group Photograph
  • 10:15 AM
    High Tea
  • 11:00 AM
    Scientia Prof
    Veena Sahajwalla
    Pleanary talk 1
    Dr D Pandey
    Director Atomic
    Minerals Directorate
  • 11:30 AM
    Dist Prof Suresh
    Bhargava, RMIT
    Plenary talk 2
    Dr D Pandey
    Director Atomic
    Minerals Directorate
  • 12:00 PM
    Mr Dinesh Mohar
    Ministry of Mines
    Keynote lecture 1
    Dr K Balasubramanian
    Director, NFTDC
  • 12:20 PM
    Mr Roopwant Singh
    Keynote lecture 2
    Dr K Balasubramanian
    Director, NFTDC
  • 12:40 PM
    Mr Rajat Verma
    Founder & CEO, LOHUM
    Keynote lecture 3
    Dr K Balasubramanian
    Director, NFTDC
  • 1:00 PM
    Lunch Break
  • 2:00 PM
    Prof Sankar Bhattacharya
    Monash University
    Keynote lecture 4
    Dr R Ratheesh
    Director C-MET
  • 2:20 PM
    Prof Edward Buckingham
    Monash University
    Keynote lecture 5
    Dr R Ratheesh
    Director C-MET
  • 2:40 PM
    Dr Vilas Tathavadkar
    CTO, Hindalco Industries
    Keynote lecture 6
    Dr R Ratheesh
    Director C-MET
  • 3:00 PM
    Dr Ashok Kamaraj
    IIT Hyderabad
    Invited talk 1
    D Venkateswara
    Director (P&P),SCCL
  • 3:15 PM
    Dr Prabhakar Sangurmath
    Formerly with Hutti Gold Mines
    Invited talk 2
    D Venkateswara
    Director (P&P),SCCL
  • 3:30 PM
    Tea Break
  • 4:00 PM
    Prof Mainak Majumder
    Monash University
    Keynote lecture 7
    Dr. R. Vijay
    Director, ARCI
  • 4:20 PM
    Prof Mohsen Yahyaei
    Keynote lecture 8
    Dr. R. Vijay
    Director, ARCI
  • 4:40 PM
    Prof Akbar Rhamdhani
    Swinburn University
    Keynote lecture 9
    Dr Mohan B Verma
    formerly with Atomic
    Minerals Directorate
  • 5:00 PM
    Dr Ramanuj Narayan
    Director, IMMT
    Keynote lecture 10
    Dr Mohan B Verma
    formerly with Atomic
    Minerals Directorate
  • 6:30 PM
    Cultural Programme & Dinner
    till 9:30PM
  • Time
  • 9:00 AM
    Prof Mohan Yellishetty
    Monash University
    Keynote lecture 11
    Dr. Sandip Ghosh
    Director CSIR-NML
  • 9:20 AM
    Sh D Singh
    Ex-CMD, IREL
    Keynote lecture 12
    Dr. Sandip Ghosh
    Director CSIR-NML
  • 9:40 AM
    Dr Balamurali Krishna
    DMRL Director
    Keynote lecture 13
    Dr. Sandip Ghosh
    Director CSIR-NML
  • 10:00 AM
    Dr Pradip
    Ex VP, TRDDC
    Keynote lecture 14
    Dr S Ravi
    Dy DG & Head
    GSI Training Institute
  • 10:20 AM
    Dr. Sakthi Saravanan
    IIT Bombay
    Keynote lecture 15
    Dr S Ravi
    Dy DG & Head
    GSI Training Institute
  • 10:40 AM
    Dr. Abhilash
    Invited talk-3
    Dr S Ravi
    Dy DG & Head
    GSI Training Institute
  • 10:55 AM
    Tea break
  • 11:20 AM
    Dr C S Singh
    Dr Kali Sanjay
    Mr Anupam Jalote
    Dr Bhuvana Kamath Shanbhag
    Prof Raman Singh
    Professor Prashant Sonar
    Panel Discussion 1:
    Technology Road Map
    (Exploration, Mining, Extraction
    & Processing Technologies)
    Prof Brajesh K Dubey
    IIT Kharagpur
  • 12:20 PM
    Mr Anshuman Tripathi
    Dr Lalan Prasad Singh
    Dr P K Banerjee
    Dr Sapna A Narula
    Prof Kannan Govindan
    Assoc Prof Vinod Mishra
    Panel Discussion 2:
    Policy Road Map
    (Education, Research, Innovation,
    Start-ups, Regulations & Policies)
    Prof Radhakrishna
    HOD Earth Sciences
    IIT Bombay
  • 1:20 PM
    Lunch break
  • 2:20 PM
    Open Discussion:
    Way Forward
    Prof Mohan
  • 3:40 PM
    Valedictory ceremony
    Prof M Yesllishetty
    Prof M Narasimha
  • 4:00 PM
    High Tea

Report on
Two-Day Critical Minerals Symposium and Workshop

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Potential Participating Organisations

Bringing together leading academicians, researchers and industry leaders from both Australia and India

IIT Hyderabad

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